Today’s Tale ~ Been doing some research for a steamboat historian from Canada. He asked what we knew about the SS Klondike running on the Kootenai River. We talked it over in the research room, and none of us had
Museum Musings: M.P. Bogle By: Gini Woodward Each year in May, the Idaho State Historical Society presents a series of programs throughout the state with a common theme for Idaho Archeology and Historic Preservation Month. This year honors the
written in 1928, by Mrs. C. C. French from Cloverdale ranch of Crestwood, “that picturesque little suburb of Creston, which snuggles partly, along and over the arm of the western mountains to the international boundary.” An excerpt — “Yes, I
William “Billy” Houston Although his tombstone reads “1863”, William Houston was born April 6, 1865 in Clinton, Missouri. Growing up in Gentry County, Billy did farm work. Having no formal education, he taught himself to read as an adult. His
Museum Musings: School Days By: Gini Woodward The mornings are cooler and the geese are practicing flying up and down above the Kootenai River morning and night, sure signs that fall is imminent and it is back to school
Scenes on Albany Prairie Recalled by Pioneer Before Cayuse War Days Albany Daily Democrat 9 April 1922 M M Fry of Bonners Ferry, Idaho, aged 80 years, was speaking, and the day he described was 1849, and the scene
Today’s Tale ~ This awesome photo was recently donated to your Museum! The 1933-1984 steel and concrete bridge over the Kootenai River. Look at the many business buildings on the Northside. Great Photo! Thanks for the donation!
Mary Viley Hawkins Mary Viley Hawkins, daughter of William and Elizabeth Hawkins, was born April 15, 1876 on a tobacco plantation in Lexington, Fayette County, Kentucky. The prominent Viley and Hawkins families had adjoining plantations breeding thoroughbred race horses and
Laura Grace Bauman Laura Grace Bauman (pronounced “Bowman”) born on February 19, 1910 in Bonners Ferry, Idaho to Solomon and Florence Hoagland Bauman, grew up with two brothers, Everett “Bud” and Warren and one sister, Phyllis. Grace’s father bought the
Boundary County, Idaho has two Peace Monuments which stand witness that “we keep peace with our neighbors as they have kept peace with us throughout the years.”