28th November 2021

Originally published – Bonners Ferry Herald – November 4, 2021
| By Rose Shababy – Staff Writer

When you think about museums, you might think about the Metropolitan or the Louvre, those large, popular tourist attractions known worldwide. Important both culturally and historically, museums give us a glimpse of life in another place and time, providing a snapshot of a world long past or facing extinction.

Gambling exhibit (Photo by Rose Shababy)

Local museums are just as vital as their famous counterparts. They preserve the flavor of local culture and the daily lives of those people who founded towns and cities, providing insight into their rituals and religion, food and art, and more.

It’s a job that Susan Kemmis and Dottie Gray, mainstays of the Boundary County Historical Society and Museum, have been devoted to for 14 and 10 years respectively. “You never know what’s going to walk through the door,” Kemmis said in reference to the artifacts they receive.

“Sometimes an exhibit is created because of one artifact but you pull from other places to create a scene,” she continued. All it takes is one good lead to “find the rest of the story.”

In 1999 at a public lecture, the late president of the Commonwealth Association of Museums Emmanuel N. Arinze said that museums are “custodians of the cultural soul.” Much more than tourist attractions, museums connect us to the past, making it a breathing, living entity.

Gray echoed the sentiment. “We try to make those types of connections whenever possible,” she said, citing the progression of technology from their Edison phonograph to an iPod as an example. “Sue will show them the cylinders made of wax and the needle that goes around to play the music […] and we talk to them about [it].”

“As they’re walking around with earbuds,” Kemmis laughed before taking on a more serious tone. “I also think that in a way, [the museum is] giving them a sense of home.”

They watch generations of locals come in, adults who share how they came as children, now bringing their own kids.

Those children are a big part of why they do what they do, “so our grandchildren will know, and our great-grandchildren,” Kemmis said. “We need to pass it down to the next generation.”

“Hall of Portraits” (Photo by Rose Shababy)

It’s an idea Arinze backed up in his lecture, saying that museums “hold the cultural wealth of the nation in trust for all generations,” and that “one of the fundamental objectives of the museum is to educate […] they assist our future generations to understand and appreciate their history and culture and take pride in the achievements of their forebearers.”

Dr. Ezra Fry display (Photo by Rose Shababy)

It’s a principle that can be concentrated even further at the local level.

Kemmis and Gray design special programs for local fourth-graders and home-schooled students. The activities vary and have been on hold through the pandemic, but they look forward to hosting students again. It’s fun for them and. . .

Read the rest of the article at the Herald.

Museum is more than just a tourist attraction

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