The latest edition to the web-based virtual exhibits featuring the life of the Kootenai Tribe contains 52 artifacts and 32 photos from the Museum’s collection to create a “Kootenai Pictionary.”
Kootenai Life – Cradleboards
The Museum is working on building web-based virtual exhibits centered on the life of the Kootenai Tribe.
To start this new collection, this book with photos of Kootenai babies and their cradleboards has been created to enjoy and learn something new. . .
Chief Narcisse Isadore
Chief Narcisse Isadore, born in 1882, was a great grandson of Chief Three Moon. Narcisse’s tribe, the Lower Kutenai, called home: “the horseshoe bend of the Kootenai River…the land I inherited from my ancestors situated on both banks of the
Celebrating Idaho’s History
“Let’s Get Territorial” – February 21, 2013 March 4, 2013, marks the 150th anniversary of the creation of Idaho Territory. Kootenai Tribal Chair Jennifer Porter, Boundary County Commission chair Dan Dinning and Bonners Ferry Mayor David Anderson are proclaiming