Museum Musings: School Days By: Gini Woodward The mornings are cooler and the geese are practicing flying up and down above the Kootenai River morning and night, sure signs that fall is imminent and it is back to school
Museum Musings: Origins of the County Fair By: Gini Woodward The mornings are cooler and the geese are practicing flying up and down above the Kootenai River morning and night, sure signs that fall is imminent and it is
Museum Musings – Preserving History By: Gini Woodward Sept 5, 2009 A few Saturdays ago, I was sitting at a picnic table outside the Exhibit Hall at the fairgrounds, as part of a group of volunteer superintendents setting up and
By: Gini Woodward Steps toward completion of the Boundary County Railroad History Courtyard are moving forward in time for the All Class Reunion including an ice cream social and railroad history program at the museum. Today’s photo of a Union