13th July 2014


Kootenai River Days is fast approaching and the Boundary County Museum will be actively involved in this community celebration. The Museum will host the world wide premier of a just completed film, “ A Natural Balance – Boundary County”. This 30 minute film, produced by Bonners Ferry natives Kyle Flory and Rob Tenas, shows the many activities and geographical wonders of our County.

The “Red Carpet” event will be held at the Museum starting at 7:00pm on Friday, July 25.   Refreshments will be served. The event is open to the public and free of charge. Donations will be appreciated. Dress for this event is North Idaho formal.

Refreshments Will Be Served Following The Film.

The Boundary County Commissioners and the Boundary County Museum are pleased to announce the premier showing of the Boundary County-produced documentary film, “A Natural Balance – Boundary County.”

Produced by filmmakers Kyle Flory and Rob Tenas Productions, the film features thNatural Balance Boundary County Film Premiere many ways the community successfully works together to maintain the natural beauty of Boundary County, the Kootenai Valley’s ecosystem, and our way of life. Scenic views of the County and the Kootenai River Valley are shown.

The film highlights how Boundary County is a successful, thriving part of North Idaho. It shows how the love of the people keeps it going, and by efficient use of the natural resources available, the environment is cared for and the community thrives.
Date(s) – July 25, 2014
Time – 7:00 pm

Boundary County Museum ~ Portrait Hall

Free of Charge (Donations Accepted)

The film discusses the positive advancements and environmental approach to forest management. It highlights the local agriculture and family run farms. It speaks of the Kootenai River Habitat Restoration Project by the Kootenai Tribe of Idaho, and River Design Group. The film shows how individuals work together for the Kootenai Valley Resource Initiative (KVRI) to restore and enhance the Kootenai Valley. The Kootenai Tribal Sturgeon Hatchery is featured in the film. The film shows many interviews with community residents and images of the Farmer’s Market, GROW Community Garden, local businesses, recreation, and fellow Boundary County citizens.


“A Natural Balance – Boundary County” Movie Premier

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