Boundary County Museum Looking for Greeters!
By: Gini Woodward
Written by Museum staff for publication
The annual business meeting for members of the Boundary County Historical Society, Inc., was held on April 22 at the Museum on Main Street in Bonners Ferry. Two of the seven rotating trustee positions were filled. The re-elected trustees include John Standal and Gini Woodward. Continuing board members are Jill Nystrom, Mike Sloan, Orrin Everhart, LaMar Olsen, and Stephen Fendos. A week later, the board of trustees met to elect officers for the ensuing year. The new officers are Jill Nystrom, president; Mike Sloan, vice president; Gini Woodward, secretary; Orrin Everhart, treasurer.
Changes to the Bylaws of the 501(c)3 organization, which will aid the development of the historical society and museum, were ratified by the membership. The size of the board of trustees will increase to nine members. The organization is seeking two new board members with skills in fundraising, education, and/or community diversity. Another change in the Bylaws encourages support by the membership through dues and sponsorships, which will provide funds for a quarterly newsletter, educational programs and improved exhibits. All those interested in becoming a member or sponsor should speak to a board member.
Last season nearly 3,000 people visited the museum. Half of the visitors were from outside the state and country. The museum is staffed by Sue Kemmis, curator, and a large group of cheerful volunteers. Currently, with the summer hours, there is a need for museum greeters. If you are willing to sit and chat in the museum for a few hours a week, stop by to set a schedule with Sue.
The Boundary County Museum is now on the summer schedule, Tuesday-Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The Boundary County Historical Society, Inc., was formed in 1969 and is celebrating forty years of preserving Boundary County history.
Originally published – RuralNorthwest – May 8, 2009