John Sater’s Cowboy Boots & other Stories

A Wonderful Local Book – Only Available at your Boundary County Historical Museum

A Journey Back to the Present in Rural America In this collection of 44 short essays author John Sater tells stories from a generation whose mothers went from washboards to washers and whose fathers swore by, and sometimes at, Model A Fords. But “Cowboy Boots and Other Stories” is anything but a sentimental journey back to the “good old days” — which Sater points out weren’t always that good. It is about cleaning chimneys and growing gardens, catching mice and raising pigs and outsmarting ornery chickens. “Cowboy Boots and other Stories” may make you yearn for a disappearing way of life, but above all, these essays will make you look anew at the extraordinary little things that enrich our ordinary lives.

Now Selling for just $3

Sater Cowboy Boots
Cowboy Boots & Other Stories Book by John Sater