Museum Musings: Origins of the County Fair By: Gini Woodward The mornings are cooler and the geese are practicing flying up and down above the Kootenai River morning and night, sure signs that fall is imminent and it is
“My parents, Odes B. and Sadie Jantz Unruh, came to Bonners Ferry in 1936 when I, their eldest son, Lawrence , was twelve years old, exchanging the nightmare of dust clouds on the horizon for the quiet, unmoving outline of
A dedication program was held at the Boundary County Museum June 9 to present the historic interpretive signs funded in part through an Idaho Humanities Council Grant, featuring the history of farming in the Kootenai Valley and the bench land.
If you have an interest in agriculture and farming, or just a broad interest in Boundary County and its history, you will be excited to know that our local Boundary County Historical Society recently received a $2,000 grant to develop