Museum Musings: School Days By: Gini Woodward The mornings are cooler and the geese are practicing flying up and down above the Kootenai River morning and night, sure signs that fall is imminent and it is back to school
Logging in Boundary County
The Museum has on display an extensive collection of logging tools. This virtual logging exhibit is enhanced with photos from the archives showing Boundary County logging activities, camps, and saw mills. Boundary County Logging “FlipBook”
100 Years Ago in Boundary County
100 Years Ago in Boundary County 1920 – 2020 Compiled by H. Kent Since the 100th anniversary of the first Boundary County Fair is being commemorated in 2020, it is only seems proper that life in general in Boundary County
“Where We Gather” ~ The Boundary County Fair
Museum Musings: Origins of the County Fair By: Gini Woodward The mornings are cooler and the geese are practicing flying up and down above the Kootenai River morning and night, sure signs that fall is imminent and it is
The Kootenai Valley Railroad
by Howard Kent In 1897 when parties of surveyors were observed in the area, rumors of another railroad began to circulate. The rumors became fact the following year. The Kootenai Valley Railroad, a subsidiary of the Great Northern Railroad, connected
Looking back on Boundary County in 1916
By HOWARD KENT 2016 will soon become memories for the history books. I cannot help but harken back 100 years ago and recall some of the events that took place in Boundary County. We became Boundary County in 1915 and
1933 Bonners Ferry Mayoral Radio Address
Today’s Tale ~ 26 Oct 2016 by Susan Kemmis KHQ Radio Appearance of Bonners Ferry Mayor Fry Doing research, I found an article from the March 16, 1933 BF Herald. “In the splendid half hour radio address delivered over Station
The Ferry at Bonners Ferry Sesquicentennial Birthday
1864 -2014 by Howard Kent Historian, Boundary County Museum Did you know that on December 22, 2014, the Ferry at Bonners Ferry will be 150 years old? Following is a brief history how the event came about. In 1863, gold