“Sundance-Trapper Peak Fires” Oral Histories

“Sundance-Trapper Peak Fires” Oral Histories

The Sundance Fire, a lightning caused wildfire of 55,910 acres, broke out on August 23 and burned through September, 1967. On the afternoon and evening of September 1, the wildfire made a historic run burning through the Pack River drainage

Bonners Ferry During Prohibition Days

Bonners Ferry During Prohibition Days

Prohibition in Idaho and its influence on Boundary County The “Roaring Twenties” and “Dirty Thirties” generated some wild times in Boundary County’s history.  Experience a virtual tour of those exciting decades of “soda parlors” and “beer-less bars,” and be introduced

Border Peace Monuments

Border Peace Monuments

Boundary County, Idaho has two Peace Monuments which stand witness that “we keep peace with our neighbors as they have kept peace with us throughout the years.”