Saturday, Feb 10, 2024 10:00 am - 3:00 pm


The Boundary County Museum will be hosting a fun-filled day of Fiber Arts demonstrations, including: spinning, weaving, knitting, crocheting and tatting.



The Fest begins at 10:00 a.m. and continues until 3:00 p.m.


Shrink your stash or expand it at the popular “Take it or Leave It” table. No Sales.

You are invited to bring your drop spindles, spinning wheels, needles, hooks, tools, gizmos, gadgets, fibers, threads, and yarns for a day of like hearted sharing, visiting, and learning. Everyone is encouraged to spin, knit, crochet, tat, weave, etc., etc., etc.!

Schedule of Events (more or less)!


Featured Demonstrations:

All Day: Marsha Semar ~ Spinning and other skills to turn raw fiber into a yarn

When requested: Gini Woodward ~ Very beginning hand knitting (supplies furnished), repairing holes in your favorite knit sweater, socks, etc.

10:15 am: Diana Tombleson ~ Quick basket (supply kits furnished)
11:15 am: Kate Painter ~ Kumihimo (materials furnished)

Stretch your imagination:
1-3: Both Holly Pennington and Diana Stover will show and share some of their amazing creativity beyond traditional fiber arts.

Bring your skeins and hanks. Yarn swifts, Knitty Knotty, yarn winders will be available to ready your yarn for the next step!

Fiber Fest Fun